Websites for Improvement – Part 1

There are thousands of websites that contain useful information for authors. I’m going to post a series of sites that can help writers in their never ending quest to improve their craft. I will typically post three at a time. Let me know if you have any suggestions!

    The Economist publishes a well-established magazine filled with the news of the day, in depth. Their style guide is rather famous, and when they upgraded their website, it caused quite a stir when the style guide wasn’t available. The opening recommendations alone are worth the click.
    The brainchild of Bill Walsh, the copy editor of the Washington Post. The blog has not been updated for a few months, but if you poke around, there are many tips and suggestions for learning how to copy edit your own work.
    Part of Perdue University, the Owl contains a wealth of information for all types of writers, including crafting curriculum vitae and grammar, including those pesky comma rules, parts of speech, and suggestions for improving your own writing skills. I should brush up so I don’t include the word include twice in a sentence, like I just included in this one.

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