AnomalyCon 2015 Panel Schedule

 My final panel schedule is listed below, for those folks who will be traveling to Denver for AnomalyCon. Please stop by and say hello after the panels! You’ll have an even dozen to choose from. Friday: Time Travel And The World of Tomorrow Is Time Travel possible? Discuss ideas about time travel from various fictional […]

AnomalyCon 2015

 Yes, indeed, it’s time for one of my favorite conventions in Denver, AnomalyCon. This coming weekend (March 28, 29, & 30), I will be appearing on numerous panels for the premiere Steampunk convention on this side of the Rockies. Tickets are still available, and they’re at a new hotel this year (one of the Starfest […]

Guest of Honor at Steampunk With A Twist

 I’m going to be the Guest of Honor at the Steampunk Convention with a Twist in Grand Rapids, Colorado. The convention is next weekend, March 14th and 15th, 2015. The lovely and immensely talented Tonya L. De Marco is the Cosplay/Costuming Guest of Honor. By getting both of us in, they’re saving the cost of […]

Fictorians: Write What You Know

 I have a new article up over on The Fictorians, a website that provides articles and stories for readers and authors. The theme this month is Breaking the Rules. So far, several folks I enjoy reading posted excellent articles on different rules for writing, and when and how you could/should break those rules. My contribution […]

7 Places To Survive the Zombie Apocalypse

 Since a bunch of scientists researched where you should go if you’re in the midst of a zombie apocalypse and agreed with my analysis (it’s number five), I thought I would post my original article that I wrote in 2011. Enjoy!   7 Places to Go to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse You know it’s coming. […]

Stuff Migrates

 Just a few minutes ago I was eating a late lunch. I set my spoon down and reached for my coffee when my hand hit something that was not my coffee cup. I looked up, and in front of me was a ceramic penguin. I puzzled over why it was on my kitchen table, and […]

Apples and Aliens

 I was a nerdy kid before nerds were identified as a cultural subgroup. I was also a very advanced reader, preferring to enjoy college-level books on astronomy instead of the usual dinosaur or Encyclopedia Brown books in fifth grade. One day, while wandering through the local library, I spotted a section called “Science Fiction”. Since […]

There Will Come Soft Rains

 I read on Farcebook that Grandmaster Ray Bradbury’s house was sold and torn down. I have to admit, the first thing that crossed my mind was it should have been turned into a museum. After all, Ray’s work crossed many genres, and even today some universities use his work when teaching courses on prose and […]

5 Tips For Securing Your WordPress Author Website

 There’s nothing more disheartening than checking on your author website, only to find that it was hacked. Well…perhaps finding yet another rejection email in your inbox may be worse, but it’s close. There are several simple ways to improve the security of your author website. Note that your website will never be perfectly secure. A […]

NaNoWriMo Plans

 Yes, I still participate in NaNoWriMo. When I’m in the writing groove, free from distractions, I can chunk out lots of verbage. Doesn’t mean it’s final-draft quality — far from it — but I give myself permission to write down stuff that would bug my inner editor. I have one urban fantasy to finish, two […]