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Thank a Veteran

This morning you awoke to a new day. There were chores to do, lists to check, and some moderate griping about some annoying item you had to deal with. Meanwhile, someone you never knew stood watch on the hard steel deck of a ship, thinking about a distant little girl she gave birth to but […]

Writing How-To’s for Fun and Profit @ The Fictorians

 I have a new post over at The Fictorians titled “Writing How-To’s for Fun and Profit.” It gives some information on writing non-fiction ebooks for you to sell, based on what you already know and enjoy doing. Just to be clear, it’s not one of those posts about hiring some poor writer from overseas for […]

Candidate for President

 That’s correct. I have filed paperwork to run for President of the United States. My election group is called Authors for President. My Federal Election Commission ID number is P60017449. When the FEC updates their list of presidential candidates, my name will be on it. My presidential platform includes a flat tax of 15% for […]

My Roommates Purchased Throwing Stars

   After I finished my US Navy boot camp experiences, I traveled to Tennessee to attend a year’s worth of training. I shared a room with a wannabe ninja, who infected the guys who lived in both of the adjacent rooms. They piffled off to a martial arts place nearby and came back with 3-toed […]

Things You Should Never Say To Your Kids

 Stay out of the drainage tunnel, that’s where they park the ice cream trucks during the winter. You want me to unchain your evil twin in the basement? Of course there’s monsters under the bed. They can’t all fit in your sock drawer. (Sticking head out of the patio door) “If you goddamn evil clowns […]

Polydactyl Cats

 When I was a kid we ended up with a great mouser named Rusty. He was a red tabby and had ten toes on the back, thirteen toes on the front. Almost all the polydactyl cats have mirrored feet (same number of toes on each front paw and the same for the back set). Rusty […]

Who is Roger C. Carmel?

 Roger C. Carmel helped me win a piece of Iron Man original art. Being the crazed comic book collector and Star Trek fan that I was, I was the only geek at a convention with the skillz to recall who had played Harcourt Fenton Mudd on the original series. I always liked Roger. His trademark […]

Free Candy and Lies

 There’s a trend these days where authors promise something for free, typically using social media like Twitter or Facebook. The freebie piques your interest, so you click the link and go to the page to download the promised item. Then you find out it’s not really free. There is a cost, and it’s typically your […]

Movies, Shows, & Books Re-Imagined as Horror Flicks

 The Wizard of Oz – After sustaining a head injury, a woman goes on a psychopathic battle to the death for the last pair of ugly red shoes. Yertle the Turtle by Dr. Seuss – A megalomaniac reptile seeks to recreate the original big bang theory of turtles all the way down. Rudolph the Red-Nosed […]

Interview up on SF Signal

 The Hugo-winning website SF Signal, which happens to host some of the best articles on what is happening in science fiction every day, posted podcast number 302 earlier this month. As part of their series of folks attending MileHiCon from October 23-25, 2015, Patrick Hester conducted an interview with little old me. I had a […]