My collection of essays from over ten years of writing for Everything2 is now available for purchase. Visit Amazon to pick up a copy of Life & Everything Too.
Imagine you purchased an old 1918 house. Imagine living in it for three years. Now imagine finding a secret room behind a shelf. That’s exactly what happened to me. I was working on replacing my old cloth-and-asbestos wiring with modern (grounded) wire. An electrician pal of mine was doing the heavy work. We replaced my […]
Welcome to my new website. It’s about time I updated the place and give it some additional functionality. The good news is I can watch Doctor Who while I’m coding. 🙂 If you have the time, I would appreciate your feedback and suggestions on improving it. Guy
Yes, folks, it’s time to put your money where your pen is. If you’ve ever found a market opening on Ralan’s website, or chanced upon an important submission change notice there, it’s time to toss a few bucks into keeping Ralan’s online. The suggested donation is about $10US. That’s it…ten bucks for one year’s worth […]
One of the things I decided to do when I became a published author was to send in a portion of my earnings to websites that helped me along the way. I’ve donated to Duotrope, Ralan’s Webstravaganza and If you’re a new author, there are many sites with useful information, from marketing, genre news, […]
I have no idea who translated Chobits from Japanese to English, but give them a medal. Quite a bit of the anime imported from Japan attempts to show some humor, but normally something gets lost in the translation. Most jokes fall flat or get one smirk out of the audience. This is not one of […]
OSFest posted their panel schedule, and I will be on 12…no, wait, 13…panels this weekend. Friday 3pm: The Science of Steampunk 4pm: Creating an Author Co-Op 8pm: Marketing for Writers 9pm: Mash-ups: Mixing Genres for New Ideas 10pm: Writing Professionally Saturday 10am: Self-publishing 101 1pm: eBook Creation and Pitfalls 7pm: Strong Women in Speculative Fiction […]
Spirited Away is an actual family anime – no fan service, no convoluted plotline, no blood and guts and robots. It is a good, solid story that shows a whiny annoying kid begin to take responsibility for herself and her actions – something kids need to see more of. Everything is concluded nicely by the […]
Mention the word “anime” and you’ll get two responses… Akira and Ghost in the Shell. The vast majority of anime fans have seen these two, and with the addition of Princess Mononoke, they are the standards to which the rest of the anime field is compared. Ghost in the Shell (GitS) is on this listing […]