Nice review of Angels Cried

 “Big Al” left a nice 4-star review on Amazon for the charity anthology Angels Cried. He called out two particular stories, one of which was my short story titled For Christmas, I Made My Mother Cry. From the review: A couple of the stories stood above the rest for me. For Christmas, I Made My […]


 Since Tonya and I collaborate on work, and she is also my full-time business manager, we needed to get organized. I poked around, looking at project management tools. I needed something that we could both get up to speed on quickly, which ruled out Microsoft Project. I wanted something we could share on different laptops, […]

Malcon 1

 It’s been a good year for first-run conventions. Malcon 1 in Denver was last weekend. This con is a catch-all for the oddball geekdom fans that don’t have their own dedicated event (with the exception of Whovians.) So, for a weekend, the Sheraton at the Denver Tech Center was home to fans from Doctor Who, […]

MileHiCon 45

 MileHiCon is celebrating its 45th year. Congratulations! Rose over at MileHiCon sent over the panel listings, and I’m on three plus the signing. Here’s my schedule: Friday: 7pm in Mesa Verde C: Animation for Adults M. Dane, G. De Marco, L. Givens (M), C. Kemp, J. Stith 8pm in the Atrium: Author Signing & Meet/Munch/Mingle Catherynne […]

Kill Your Political Audience!

 Looking at Facebook this morning, I see quite a few authors posting about the current state of affairs in politics. One called Democrats “Demtards”, one called Republicans “Rethuglicans”, and one even said if you didn’t agree with how she felt, you were free to drop her as a friend, thank you very much. Congratulations, you’ve […]

Eyeballs and Submissions

 Nothing like getting your eyeballs poked and puffed while having each iris large enough to drop a nickel through. Ah, the wonders of type-2 diabetes. Keep on top of your health, folks. Ended up getting two stories written and submitted. First short went to Shock Totem magazine. It’s a tough market to crack, hopefully they’ll […]

5 Lies Self Published Authors Tell

  1. I’m selling X books This is probably the biggest lie that self-published authors tell. Everyone wants to be successful, and the more successful an author is, the more they sell. It’s almost a self-fulfilling prophesy. Average readers want to read something that everyone else likes — think Harry Potter or Twilight. I’ve seen […]

Archon St Louis

 Unfortunately, it looks like I will not be going to Archon St Louis. I was looking forward to driving out there, but after a long hard look at the return on the investment, it didn’t make economical sense to make the trip this year. Since I’ve heard good things about Archon, hopefully I will be […]


 Hope all is well with you, faithful reader. I’ve been a bit remiss with updates, so I will be posting several from recent conventions and events. I’ve already updated my panel listing page. Working on several additional projects. Five short stories are due (so far) in October. Two are charity anthologies, two are pro rate, […]

Iron Writer – Summer Solstice Edition

 Yeah, I admit it. I love writing flash fiction. It’s a tough thing to do. One has to fit the right words together and make it drop into a box that can hold exactly 500 words—no more, no less—with the standard story elements present. Over at the Iron Writer website, my short 500-word story is […]